[sane-devel] Epson Perfection 1260 with the epkowa backend (iscan 1.5.2)

Florian Reichert florianr at gmx.net
Tue Aug 5 10:49:03 BST 2003

On Tue, 5 Aug 2003 09:56:33 +0900, Olaf Meeuwissen <olaf at epkowa.co.jp> 

> On Mon, Aug 04, 2003 at 03:54:44PM +0200, Florian Reichert wrote:
>> Hello!
>> But with iscan I can't use the TPU of my 1260 Photo in iscan any more.
> We (EPSON KOWA Corporation) are aware of the problem and will 
> investigate.

Yes that is great ... Hope we will get an update soon :)

>> Iscan detects the scanner as GT7300, what seems to be wrong.
> The GT-7300 is the Japanese version of the Perfection 1260 Photo.  No 
> problem there.  You can check in sane-epkowa(5).

Yes that was clear to me when checking the japanes homepage of Epson.

> # As a developer, I'd wish they stopped using different names for the # 
> same thing in different places ;-{

Not only you as a devoloper ....

> I doubt it is something in SANE.  The fault most likely is with iscan, or 
> more precisely the epkowa backend that it provides.

Hmm i am just wondering why iscan 1.4. doesn't use the TPU any more. That 
worked fine with debian 3.0rc1 abd mdk 9.0. But now on mdk 9.1 also the 1.4 
version doesn't recognice the TPU ... But If you say its the epkowa backend 
I will wait for an update ...

>> P.S. Someone mentioned iscan 1.5.3 is out ... but where could I get it? 
>> Is that problem fixed there?
> That someone was me, but I made a typo.  The latest release is 1.5.2.  
> Sorry for any confusion.

No problems!

And thanks for your support ...

Regards Florian

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