[sane-devel] HP PSC 1210

Till Kamppeter till.kamppeter at gmx.net
Sun Aug 17 19:25:21 BST 2003

Julien BLACHE wrote:
> Sebastian 'Frank©' Wieseler <franks.help at arcor.de> wrote:
>>- OS: Debian GNU/Linux [Woody 3.0r1]
>>- SANE: sane_1.0.11-2_i386.deb
>>- libUSB: libusb-0.1-4_0.1.7-2_i386.deb
>>- Kernel: 2.4.20
>>- HPOJ >0.9
>>- hp-backend: 1.01
>>*So* now my configs file looks like:
>># cat nano /usr/local/etc/sane.d/hp.conf

You scanner does not use the "hp" backend. So every change in 
/usr/local/etc/sane.d/hp.conf (or /etc/sane.d/hp.conf) has no influence. 
Your device uses the "hpoj" backend provided by the HPOJ package. So 
take care that /usr/local/etc/sane.d/dll.conf (or /etc/sane.d/dll.conf) 
has a line only containing "hpoj" without "#" in the beginning.

Take also care that you have the current CVS snapshot of HPOJ as the 
released HPOJ 0.9 still does not support your device correctly. The CVS 
version of HPOJ must be built with libusb. That means you have to 
install either libusb from source or you have to install the 
libusb-devel (or libusb-dev) package of your distro. See


section "Known bugs in 0.90, fixed or documented as appropriate and 
checked into CVS", first paragraph.

Note that when you use HPOJ that you have also to direct the printing to 
HPOJ. See the documentation of HPOJ.


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