[sane-devel] OS/2 device driver for HP7450C
Henning Meier-Geinitz
Tue, 11 Feb 2003 09:43:14 +0100
On Tue, Feb 11, 2003 at 12:51:00AM +0100, Rene Rebe wrote:
> But using USB is not that easy - I guess writing a kernel driver for
> OS/2 is not that easy (we would need s.th. like the hpusbscsi) - maybe
> I should "convert" my driver to do the scsi-emulation in user-space?
> Via libusb or so?
> Any hints (I never did any low-level usb prgramming - the hpusbscsi
> luckily just appeared ;-)
I have no idea how complicated the SCSI-over-USB protocol is. Maybe
the only thing you must do is to send the command + data buffers you
usually send to the SCSI layer through sanei_scsi through sanei_usb.
If you use sanei_usb, you don't need to worry if it uses libusb or the
kernel scanner driver.