[sane-devel] Second draft of Scanner HOWTO for TLDP

Howard Shane hshane at austin.rr.com
Sun Jun 29 17:54:37 BST 2003

So, I guess my question boils down to this: Let's say hypothetically 
we're up to linux-2.6.0, and there is no more kernel usb-scanner 
support, and a person wants to use a SANE application. All they have to 
do is to be sure libusb is installed with the SANE backends and whatever 
frontend they're after, right? No other configuration steps are 
necessary? Are there any specific pitfalls to to be aware of?

Sorry for my persistence but I want to be sure I am giving all those out 
there who read the HOWTO the most accurate and complete picture 
possible. :^)


Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, Jun 27, 2003 at 07:14:23AM -0500, Howard Shane wrote:
>>I've visited the libusb site, and the only documentation available seems 
>>to be for developers. If someone can point me to more user-oriented 
>>information I'll be happy to include it. I assume it's out of the beta 
>>phase? Are there distribution manufacturers including it in their stable 
>>branches of binaries?
> As far as I kno all Linux distributions include libusb. Libusb is a
> library to access generic USB devices. It uses the operating system
> generic USB driver and how that works exactly depends on the operating
> system.
> The only thing the user needs to know is that he can only use libusb
> access if no other kernel driver is attached to the speicfic device.
> In case of Linux, that means "rmmod scanner". For permission issues
> and other details look at man sane-usb. Maybe a pointer to that man
> page is sufficiant.
> Bye,
>   Henning
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