[sane-devel] scsi scanner on usb port?

abel deuring adeuring at gmx.net
Sun Mar 30 23:04:46 BST 2003

Andre Maute wrote:
> hi there,
> do you know of a possibility to use a scsi scanner (heidelberg jade2)
> with the appropriate converter on a usb port under linux?
> i can't use my scsi card anymore, due to missing pci slots.
> what kind of converter do i need?

You would need a sort of a USB <-> SCSI adapter on the scanner side, 
which is supported by a driver of the Linux kernel. This driver would 
have to register the "USB-tunnel-connected" SCSI scanner in the Linux 
SCSI system and it would have to handle the communication betwwen the 
Linux box and the scanner. In order to do that, it would have to know, 
how the USB/SCSI converter works. There seem to exist two such drivers 
-- but I believe that these are special drivers for Microtek resp. HP 

Another way to access your scanner might be to connect it to an 
abandoned Pentium I PC or similar chaep hardware an to access it via a 
network connection.


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