[sane-devel] Progress on CanoScan D1250U2

norbert lataille nonal@freesurf.fr
18 May 2003 21:00:04 +0200

On Thu, 2003-05-15 at 18:36, Rutman, Nathan wrote:
> I don't know if this will help you or not, but I did something similar for
> the Canon 630u.  For the 630u, all commands were sent as USB Control
> Messages, with the scanner register address in one message and the value in
> the next.  Scan data was sent using USB Bulk messages.  If this matches what
> you're seeing, I can dig up my notes and log parsing scripts for you. 

Thanks !

In fact, before starting my work on the D1250U2 scanner, I had a look on
SANE backends hoping that one would be close to mine. Unfortunatly, what
is currently causing me problems is the register list/function of the
SCAN09 ASIC (no datasheet :( ). The protocol in itself is using a little
number of commands (get/set registers, trigger bulk commands, bulk
