[sane-devel] [ANNOUNCE] New development and anonymous CVS server

Henning Meier-Geinitz henning@meier-geinitz.de
Fri, 12 Sep 2003 10:18:50 +0200

Hi everyone,

The SANE CVS server has moved, it's now located at Debian's Alioth
server. Thanks to the Debian project and Julien Blache for making this


During the move no data was lost to my knowledge. Even if the old
server at hungry.com comes up again, please do not use that one

Alioth provides developers's (read/write) access over ssh, anonymous
(read-only) access over the pserver method and several methods to view
the CVS tree on the website. Also you can subscribe to the sane-commit
mailing list to get a mail for every change done to the SANE CVS.

Developers who want write access to the CVS server need to get a login
at Alioth (http://alioth.debian.org/account/register.php). You'll get
an account like "foo-guest". The postfix "guest" just means that you
are not a Debian developer, you still have full permissions.

After that, please contact me or any other project admin to add you to
the project and grant CVS write access.
