[sane-devel] Microtek ScanMaker 35t+ SCSI-Problems
Markku Savela
Sun, 18 Apr 2004 14:13:08 +0300
> I've tryed to get a Microtek ScanMaker 35t+ to work with my Debian
> Linux-Box.
I've this same scanner and had similar problems. However, I'm
currently running Linux 2.6.5 with aha152x driver (this card came with
the scanner). The sane backend version is 1.0.13
The problem was earlier that the scanner reports 10 bit resolution for
gamma table, but so far any attempts to load any gamma table based on
that value seemed to fail as you notice
> [microtek] .download_gamma...
> [microtek] .download_gamma: 1024 entries of 2 bytes, max 255
> [microtek] .download_gamma: by default
> [microtek] SENSE! fd = 3
> [microtek] sense = 83 00 04 00.
> [microtek] sense: ERR_ILLTABLE
> [microtek] end_scan...
Under linux 2.6.5 I get the same "1024 entries of 2 bytes, max 255",
but not followup error. And 'xsane' seems to be able to scan
images. I'm still somewhat concerned about the apparent conflict
between "1024 entries of 2 bytes" and "max 255". For that max, it
would not need 2 bytes. But, I suppose it makes sense otherwise, as
the output from scanner is 8 bits, and gamma table would then map 10
bit values to 8 bits.
Markku Savela