[sane-devel] Boeder SmartScan Slim Edition on SuSE

Jim George jim.george@blueyonder.co.uk
Sun, 15 Feb 2004 01:35:17 -0000 (GMT)

Hi Allan,

>> > 4. the libusb header files are in /usr/include/usb.h and friends.
>> these enable you to BUILD apps that use libusb support.
>> Nothing returned from ls /usr/include | grep usb
> this is why you are unable to build sane with libusb support. the libusb
>  header files are not installed on your machine.
> if you had built libusb from source, your would have those files. since
> you installed libusb from rpm, you must have only gotten the binaries.
> usually, this is because there is another rpm, like libusb-devel that
> contains the header files.
> you could try building libusb from source, look on your suse cds for the
>  devel package, or try to install a devel package from another linux
> distro  with the same libusb version number.
> the first is recommended.
I've looked for a libusb development package on my SuSE Cds and for a
libusb-devel package to no avail.

Can anyone suggest a way forward for me?

I know that if I use the suse kernel 2.4.21 the scanner is recognised but
it loses sight of my second PCMCIA network card so I can't take that route
easily either.

Again, can anyone off an alternative?
