[sane-devel] Success! 2.6.5 kernel, Agfa Snapscan 1212u!

Victoria Welch vykk3@comcast.net
Sun, 13 Jun 2004 15:38:10 -0700

Hello  Philipp,

Thanks for the response!

On Sunday 13 June 2004 14:20, root wrote:

> > [ ... ]
> > The big secret was that I had to build sane/sane
> > backends with:
> >
> > USE="usb" emerge sane-backends
> try the '--verbose' option of emerge. this can help a
> lot. and sometimes you can see a description of the
> use-flags with 'etcat uses <package-name>'.

Thanks for that pointer.  Love gentoo but there is indeed a 
bit to learn :-).

Now if I can get it working as other than root, we'll be 
there.  xsane insists on picking up that tv tuner card no 
matter what.  I even copied over the AGFA:SNAPSCAN.drc over 
to my .sane directory and it is roundly ignored :-). 

Thanks & take care, V.
Victoria Welch, WV9K/7.  "If we knew what we were doing, it 
would not be called research, would it?" --Albert Einstein
"Engineering is the art of making what you want from things 
you can get."-  Jerry Avins