FW: [sane-devel] ASPI sniffing under Win98

Richard Metzger richardmetzger@web.de
Thu Jul 14 18:46:44 UTC 2005

"Gregory C. Johnson" <lists.ix.sane-devel@gregjohnson.com> schrieb am 14.07.05 18:32:55:
> I'm looking for a way to log SCSI events under Win98 or 2000...  Do you
> know of any beyond the methods listed in
> http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/misc/develop.html ?

Hi Greg,

just from their high level principles... I haven't used them so far. You might also take a look at some samples for an ASPI logger to be found at http://www.cdrlabs.com/articles/index.php?articleid=4

Good Luck!

Richard Metzger
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