[sane-devel] Re: sane-devel Digest, Vol 4, Issue 31

dt daniel.tartavel at free.fr
Sun Oct 23 17:19:09 UTC 2005

Le Dimanche 23 Octobre 2005 15:42, Henning Meier-Geinitz a écrit :
> Hi,
> [cc'ed to Daniel Tartavel]
> On Sun, Oct 23, 2005 at 03:29:41PM +0200, Franz wrote:
> > >You can ask for help on the mailing list of sane :
> > >http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/sane-devel
> > >unhappily, i got this drivers from HP but without support, and i
> > haven't these >scanners myself.
> > >So i can't help you more, but many peoples install this driver, and
> > you must find >help.
> > >
> > 
> > so I can't find help for my problem. I'm new in using linux and I'm
> > not able to anderstend your discussion about libsane.so.1.0.13, but I
> > suppose it don't can help me.
> > 
> > Any suggestion?
> Sorry, it's not possible to help with such binary-only code. We can't
> even know what the code does at all. You really must ask the author.
> If the author doesn't want to respond to your questions, most probably
> nobody else can.
> Daniel, could you please modify the text on your website to explain
> that sane-devel can not solve problems of binary-only backends? Thanks.
> bye,
>   Henning

it's OK

Daniel Tartavel 
Animateur Diplômé en Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication.

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