Re2(!): [sane-devel] End of file reached OSX

Henning Meier-Geinitz henning at
Sun Sep 18 12:14:59 UTC 2005


On Sun, Sep 18, 2005 at 04:07:21PM +0400, Michael Conrad wrote:
> What do you mean with debugging?

Find out where the problem is, fix it and send a patch.

> I have no big experience with programming in OSX on Kernel-level or  
> System-Level.
> The only debug thing, which scanimage gives, is the one , which you  
> can find down under this Text.
> And the problem only occurs, when A frontend is used. But the driver/ 
> backend is the same. And this
> backend gives the error/debug-message, written earlier in this mail.

scanimage is also a frontend just like xsane and xscanimage.

> Meanwhile the scanner is not working anymore with scanimage too. He  
> simply does nothing, when i use scanimage on commandline. only with  
> the frontend he does a little bit, but dies with the well known End  
> of file reached and stops working.

What's the debug output when you use scanimage?

Are you sure that you use the right libusb? From README.darwin:
"Use libusb version 0.1.11 or later (or a cvs checkout from 2005-09-01
or later). If you use earlier versions the libusb code needs to be


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