[sane-devel] HP 2300C (GL646) head bumps and screams

Stéphane VOLTZ stefdev at modulonet.fr
Sun Aug 6 07:11:43 UTC 2006

Le samedi 5 août 2006 01:33, Bill Dawson a écrit :
> Hi Folks,
> I reviewed the few threads concerning the 2300C from early in May of
> this year. E.g. here:
> http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/sane-devel/2006-May/016724.html
> I have the latest sources (2006-08-04) and have looked through
> genesys_devices.c, and it looks like Stef did indeed make the changes
> exactly as he said he would in those previous threads.  So I was hoping
> that everything would work...
> But, alas, I get the problem of the head bumping into the end and
> screaming at me until I put it out of its misery by pulling the plug.
> The good news is that I get a nice looking image file.  But of course
> it's no fun pulling the plug every time it's done.
> I ran scanimage --mode Color  >scan.pnm  2>debug.log (with the
> appropriate debug level 255 environment vars exported) and uploaded the
> results to...
> http://www.billdawson.com/misc/genesys_scan.tar.gz
> ... in case someone can have a look for me and maybe offer some advice.
> Many thx,
> bill


	with the debugging data you posted, I have found where the problem comes. It 
is hopefully fixed in CVS version, but since I don't have an HP2300 to test, 
you'll have to do it ... but I expect it to be OK.
	The bug is in the sanei_genesys_search_reference_point() function which 
wasn't detecting y edge of the 'position pattern' because the picture wasn't 
contrasted enough. So the y offset detected was too big, shifting all scans 
to the bottom of the scanner. It could be noticed in final scan, since it was 
lacking the top of the picture.


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