[sane-devel] Plustek ST24

Stéphane VOLTZ stef.dev at free.fr
Sun Dec 3 21:52:24 CET 2006


	here's the mentioned scripts. There are 2 main ones:
	- decode.sh  : turns raw usb log in higher level form
	- cmd.sh : turns the output of the decoding in high level status dumps

	The first script uses a swarm of little awk scripts that handle a little step 
of decoding each. At the end, there shoudn't be any lines 'URB .....' 
remaining if everything has been decoded. In case any are left, they're 
meaning has to be understood so that the scripts can handle them. Usually the 
left over are custom button or power saving handling. If needed, they can be 
filtered out as shown in decode.sh .

	The second script parses the high level output and builds a in memory status 
of the scanner. Each time a motor start is found (motor start is use as 
a 'commit'), the whole status (slope tables, analog fronted and registers) is 
dumped. It allow to compare the debugging output of the backend with the 
expected status of the scanner. This filters out the many useless registers 
writing/reading done by drivers.

	All scripts keeps data, so logs may be huge, but you can then rebuild 
pictures of scans from the recorded data. which help understanding what the 
scanner is doing. Doing such his explained in 

	I'll be out for a couple of day, so I will answer any question/point when 
I'll be back.

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