[sane-devel] lexmark x1170 @Mdk2005: OK, but making noises

Fred Odendaal freshshelf at rogers.com
Wed Feb 8 02:29:02 UTC 2006


When the scanner begins making that loud noise it means the scan head 
has moved to far. If it is doing it as soon as you tell it to scan it is 
because the backend can't find the home position. If the scan head moves 
through the scan and goes off the far end (the left side of the scanner) 
it is because the backend scanned too far. This is not good for your 
scanner. Hitting the power button only works for the printer part of 
this all-in-one. To stop it, either unplug the power or the usb cable. 
It can damage your scanner if it makes this noise too long.

There is a known bug with this backend doing scans at 1200dpi where it 
scans too far. If you are getting this problem at other resolutions you 
can send me a logfile and I'll see if I can determine the problem.

To create a logfile with xsane do the following:
- If your shell is a korn shell, or bash shell type "export 
- If your shell is C shell, or tcsh shell type "setenv 
- From the same shell type "xsane 2> xsane_log"
- Try doing a scan and quit (don't let the scanner make the noise too 
long - unplug the usb cable as soon as you hear it).
- Send me the xsane_log file.

If you are using a different frontend replace "xsane" with that 
frontend's name.

Fred O.

patek wrote:

> Hey
> I managed to install x1170 so that it is detected by the frontends. I 
> just had to ./configure with option --prefix=/usr as the default was 
> /usr/local (my distro is Mandriva 2005 Limited Edition Download).
> Now the frontends detect it, but when I try to scan anything, the 
> scanner begins making loud noises. Like PROBLEMS.txt says, I turned it 
> off. The printer turned off when I pressed the button on the device, 
> but it kept making noise so I plugged it off. I tried only with Kooka 
> and didn't try to plug the device in again. I suppose this backends' 
> fault.
> What should I do now? Do you need any logs etc.?
> Thanks in advance, special thanks to Fred for the suitable advice.
> patek

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