[sane-devel] Try it out: SANE, JNI and Java all in an applet

Vacuum Joe vacuumjoe at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 26 23:59:27 UTC 2006

Thanks for testing it out and for the detailed bug

I have made an updated version that should fix the
bugs you reported on the depth issue, and on the
no-scanners issue.

As for the security settings in Konq and the plug-in
in Firefox, those are unfortunately limitations of the
platform that I can't do much about.  It all worked
"out of the box" for me with Firefox in Suse 10.

Also, as soon as I get a x64 (soon!) I'll compile the
binary for that.

Please try it again and let me know if you get some
results.  Don't forget to put a business card in the

Oh and I turned off the annoying HTML mail in Yahoo.

--- Oliver Schwartz <Oliver.Schwartz at gmx.de> wrote:

> Hi,
> > I noticed in my logs that some people are trying
> this.  However, I
> > posted the wrong link.  This is the correct link
> to scan from your
> > browser.
> I didn't get it to work here, after several
> attempts. Some notes:
> - In konqueror you need to disable the security
> manager (in settings / 
> java), otherwise it won't load the jni library
> - Enabling the java console is helpful (also in
> settings / java)
> - On a 64 bit Linux installation you need a 32 bit
> jvm, as well as a 
> 32 bit version of the SANE libraries
> - If you're using firefox you need to install the
> java plugin as 
> described here:
> http://plugindoc.mozdev.org/linux.html#Java
> - If no scanner can be found the applet crashes
> with:
> caught this fat one:
> java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 0
> After I solved these issue the applet initializes my
> scanner, but it 
> doesn't scan. Instead, I get another exception:
> caught this fat one:
> chiralsoftware.scanner.SaneException: Could not 
> set an option value for name: depth
> I guess this is because there's no option named
> depth for my scanner 
> (it only supports one depth). So I guess the applet
> needs to check if 
> an option exists before it tries to set it.
> Also, for those who missed the link since it's only
> visible if you 
> read the html mail, it's 
> http://chiralsoftware.net/scanner/applet.html (in
> general, you should 
> avoid posting of html messages to mailing lists).
> Regards,
> Oliver
> -- 
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> sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org
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