[sane-devel] HP LaserJet M1005 sane backend

Couriousous couriousous at mandriva.org
Sat Jun 9 22:47:56 UTC 2007


According to the "release early, release often" here is a half-working sane 
backend for the HP LasetJet M1005 MFP.

What's not working:
- Scanning mode selection, xsane "disable" the option, scanimage doesn't show 
it. I don't know why ... 
- Cannot select the scanning area. I must find a formula translating the mm 
into the scanner unit, and the scanner unit into pixels, currently hardcoded 
value are used.
- The scanner is not reset after use. You must wait a "timeout" until you will 
be able to use the device after a scan.
There are tons of other hidden bugs.

What's working:
Scanning A4 format in color at 75, 100, 150, 200, 300, 600 and 1200 DPI.

Patches are welcome !

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