[sane-devel] LiDE 90 Half CCD

Guillaume Gastebois guillaume.gastebois at free.fr
Wed Apr 9 14:09:13 UTC 2008


I see in genesys_gl841.c line 2503 :

/* gpio part. here: for canon lide 35 */

    r = sanei_genesys_get_address (reg, 0x6c);
    if (half_ccd)
	r->value &= ~0x80;
	r->value |= 0x80;

Does it mean that for LiDE 35 GPIO16 is half CCD IO ? Because in LiDE 90, I
identify GPIO 14 for that.

Another thing : In windows snoop, only GPIO 14, 13, 12 and 11 changes state. Is
it possible that scanner need different gpio state between calibration and
scanning (and different calibration phases) ? Where to add gpio state change
code in backend to change gpio between different phases ?

Thank you.


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