[sane-devel] Xsane through ssh tunnel to saned -- how to ?

Mattias Ellert mattias.ellert at fysast.uu.se
Thu Apr 10 12:20:27 UTC 2008


There is a patch attached to this bugreport:


This patch allows you to configure saned to use a specific port range
for its data connections. I don't know if this is exactly what you are
looking for.


tor 2008-04-10 klockan 08:00 -0400 skrev m. allan noah:
> On 4/10/08, kytrix me <kytrix at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >
> >  I would like to access to my saned server through ssh tunnel via internet.
> >
> >  with:
> >  ssh user at home-ip -L 6566:*:6566
> >
> >  with upper command Xsane is able to detect my scanner through the ssh
> > tunnel, but is not able to scan (preview or final)
> >  this is because saned or xsane use other randoms ports overs 1024 for data
> > transfert (like ftp I guess).
> >
> >  there is a way to configure saned or Xsane to use a specifig range port ?
> > I can't redirect thousands of ports with ssh tunnels (need to write them
> > manualy...)
> >
> >  .. I try to debug with saned -d255
> >  and i see that data ports are random ..
> to quote man page for saned (which i think is still current):
>        In addition to the control connection (port 6566)  saned  also  uses  a
>        data  connection.  The port of this socket is selected by the operating
>        system and can't be specified by the user  currently.  This  may  be  a
>        problem  if  the connection must go through a firewall (packet filter).
>        If you must use a packet filter, make sure that all ports  >  1024  are
>        open on the server for connections from the client.

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