[sane-devel] Compiling sane-backends on FC8 64bit

Chris chris at cenolan.com
Wed Jan 16 12:18:45 UTC 2008

Thanks for everyones input. Here's the final (clean) solution to my 
problem for the benefit of others:

1) We need the x86_64 versions of libusb-devel and libieee1284-devel - 
to install these on Fedora 8:

yum erase libieee1284-devel libusb-devel
yum install libieee1284-devel libusb-devel

Be careful that the "yum erase" line doesn't erase other dependencies 
and make sure to reinstall them if it does!

2) Run the sane-backends configure script with the LDFLAGS option to 
point to the lib64 directory:

./configure LDFLAGS=-L/usr/lib64

3) You can now "make" and "make install" as required


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