[sane-devel] [ANNOUNCE] exact-image with open-source, GPL barcode recognition

René Rebe rene at exactcode.de
Sat May 3 10:39:04 UTC 2008

Hi all,

we are pleased to announce the availability of an open source, GPL, 
barcode recognition framework within the (GPL) ExactImage library:


ExactImage is primarily developed by the ExactCODE GmbH 
(http://exactcode.de), and co-sponsored by the Archivista GmbH 
(http://www.archivista.ch), as well as freearchives.ch 

While not yet as feature rich as ImageMagick, EI implements a variety of 
image formats and algorithms, while the implemented algorithms are 
usually magnitudes faster (due to heavily using C++ templates to 
generate highly optimized code for the supported bit-depths), and 
additionally interesting features such as lossless JPEG transforms, 
super fast JPEG thumb-nailing as well as de-skew and auto-crop (based on 
reference data from over scan as possible with the avision and fujitsu 
SANE backends) are available.

ExactImage (EI) also allows dumping^Wwriting JPEG images in EPS and PS 
files, as well as JPEG and JPEG2000 as PDF.

I hope you find it useful and have a nice weekend,
   René Rebe

   René Rebe - ExactCODE GmbH - Europe, Germany, Berlin
   http://exactcode.de | http://t2-project.org | http://rene.rebe.name

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