[sane-devel] unable to join multiple xsane-outputs with ghostscript

jeffrey.ratcliffe at gmail.com jeffrey.ratcliffe at gmail.com
Wed Feb 11 12:00:53 UTC 2009

On Feb 11, 2009 12:45pm, Julien Michielsen <michkloo at xs4all.nl> wrote:
> Thank you, Julien. Did not know this option to make a multipage project,  
> just succeeded to make a 9 page-project. The images reside in
> ~/multipageproject and are named image-0001.pnm up to *09.pnm. Nothing  
new to
> you here. I made the scans for a MS-Win user who is abroad, and wants to  
> his mail. How could he read these images? Does he need acces to a computer
> with xsane installed? If so I can advise him to install xsane-win32, but  
> might not be necessary. I'd like to hear so from you. Thanks in advance.

Use gscan2pdf, which is designed to make multipage PDFs (or DjVu or TIFF,  


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