[sane-devel] long option format not recognized (Was: Epson Perfection 610 Issue with 150 dpi scan)

Rainer Dorsch rdorsch at web.de
Mon Jan 4 12:43:27 UTC 2010

Hi Allesandro,

thanks for the fix. From the context of the mailthread I would think it fixes 
the long option format issue, but it fixes the problem only partially:

--device-name and --verbose were broken before (see my first mail) and work 

rd at blackbox:~/SW.nobackup/sane-backends$ 
scanimage --device-name="epson2:libusb:001:004" --mode='Color' -y 297 -l 
0 --resolution='300' -x 210 -t 0 --verbose > ~/tmp.nobackup/test300.pnm
scanimage: scanning image of size 2480x3496 pixels at 24 bits/pixel
scanimage: acquiring RGB frame
scanimage: min/max graylevel value = 106/255
scanimage: read 26010240 bytes in total
rd at blackbox:~/SW.nobackup/sane-backends$

--help is still broken:

rd at blackbox:~/SW.nobackup/sane-backends$ ./frontend/scanimage --help
Usage: lt-scanimage [OPTION]...

Start image acquisition on a scanner device and write image data to
standard output.

Parameters are separated by a blank from single-character options (e.g.
-d epson) and by a "=" from multi-character options 
(e.g. --device-name=epson).
-d, --device-name=DEVICE   use a given scanner device (e.g. hp:/dev/scanner)
    --format=pnm|tiff      file format of output file
-i, --icc-profile=PROFILE  include this ICC profile into TIFF file
-L, --list-devices         show available scanner devices
-f, --formatted-device-list=FORMAT similar to -L, but the FORMAT of the output
                           can be specified: %d (device name), %v (vendor),
                           %m (model), %t (type), %i (index number), and
                           %n (newline)
-b, --batch[=FORMAT]       working in batch mode, FORMAT is `out%d.pnm' or
                           `out%d.tif' by default depending on --format
    --batch-start=#        page number to start naming files with
    --batch-count=#        how many pages to scan in batch mode
    --batch-increment=#    increase page number in filename by #
    --batch-double         increment page number by two, same as
    --batch-prompt         ask for pressing a key before scanning a page
    --accept-md5-only      only accept authorization requests using md5
-p, --progress             print progress messages
-n, --dont-scan            only set options, don't actually scan
-T, --test                 test backend thoroughly
-h, --help                 display this help message and exit
-v, --verbose              give even more status messages
-B, --buffer-size=#        change input buffer size (in kB, default 32)
-V, --version              print version information
/home/rd/SW.nobackup/sane-backends/frontend/.libs/lt-scanimage: unrecognized 
option `--help'
rd at blackbox:~/SW.nobackup/sane-backends$

Am Montag, 4. Januar 2010 schrieben Sie:
> On Sun, 3 Jan 2010 20:04:13 -0500
> "m. allan noah" <kitno455 at gmail.com> wrote:
> > Alessandro- Can you take a look?
>  This seems to have fixed the bug, committing.
> @@ -1228,13 +1228,13 @@ init_options(Epson_Scanner *s)
>         s->opt[OPT_ADVANCED_GROUP].title = SANE_I18N("Advanced");
>         s->opt[OPT_ADVANCED_GROUP].desc = "";
>         s->opt[OPT_ADVANCED_GROUP].type = SANE_TYPE_GROUP;
> -       s->opt[OPT_ADVANCED_GROUP].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;
>         /* "Color correction" group: */
>         s->opt[OPT_CCT_GROUP].title = SANE_I18N("Color correction");
>         s->opt[OPT_CCT_GROUP].desc = "";
>         s->opt[OPT_CCT_GROUP].type = SANE_TYPE_GROUP;
> -       s->opt[OPT_CCT_GROUP].cap |= SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;
> +       s->opt[OPT_CCT_GROUP].cap = SANE_CAP_ADVANCED;

Rainer Dorsch
Lärchenstr. 6
D-72135 Dettenhausen
email: rdorsch at web.de
jabber: rdorsch at jabber.org
GPG Fingerprint: 5966 C54C 2B3C 42CC 1F4F  8F59 E3A8 C538 7519 141E
Full GPG key: http://pgp.mit.edu/
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