[sane-devel] libusb + epkowa prob

Alesh Slovak alesh.slovak at avasys.jp
Fri Jan 29 04:07:27 UTC 2010

C L. wrote:
> Hey btw, how do you compile iscan to enable debug in epkowa? I don't get anything from 'SANE_DEBUG_EPKOWA=255' - only more verbosity in 'SANE_DEBUG_DLL=255'

epkowa no longer uses integer values for the debug level. It has the following 
levels in increasing level of feedback:
      - FATAL
      - MAJOR
      - MINOR
      - INFO
      - CALL
      - DATA
      - CMD
      - HEX
      - IMG

The highest level, IMG, includes the raw image data in the log. I would avoid 
that one.
Alesh Slovak                    Linux Team -- AVASYS Corporation
alesh.slovak at avasys.jp          http://avasys.jp

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