[sane-devel] CanoScan LiDE 100 / Genesys gl843 driver status?

m. allan noah kitno455 at gmail.com
Tue May 25 13:28:47 UTC 2010

The machine is actually GL847, a custom version of GL846/8, used only
by Canon. It is significantly different from the GL841/2/3, and no
public docs are available.

However, you (and alot of others) are in luck, because stef is
currently writing drivers for this exact machine. Current
sane-backends git repo contains his work. I was able to get scans with
it a few days ago. Perhaps he will comment further.


On Tue, May 25, 2010 at 9:19 AM,  <handigandy-sane at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Having a LiDE 100 is one of the few things keeping me tied to windows, I would like to see linux drivers for it. Even with my poor scholarship, I understand there is no existing driver for it. There is enough demand for it that I would have stumbled across it.
> I have a bunch of questions about building a driver that will change depending on the previus answers ( mostly to the first question ). So
> please bear with me.
> The first question is the obvious question: is there an existing effort to write a driver for the LiDE 100? If so what is it's status? If dead would it make more sense to pick up the existing pieces or start fresh?
> Software probing of my scanner indicates that it uses a Genesys GL843 chip, but some references on the net indicate it is really a GL847 ( including physical inspection ). For the sake of argument let us assume that it is a GL643.
> The second question: are there technical specs on programming the GL843 available? Is there a reference implementation?
> The third question is are there other scanners that use the GL843? Perhaps scanners that use a diffent communications interface eg SCSI, parallel port. If so are there OSS drivers for that scanner?
> The fourth question are there and references on writing drivers for scanners? If so can someone recommend any?
> Thanks
> HandyGandy
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