[sane-devel] Error during device I/O

Jelle de Jong jelledejong at powercraft.nl
Wed Apr 6 19:18:02 UTC 2011

# on Debian testing client sane version 1.0.14-9

scanadf --device-name net: S1500:14033
--scan-script /usr/lib/pct-scanner-scripts/pct-scanner-script-process
--output-file /home/jelle/scanscript/input/image-%04d.pbm --source ADF
Duplex --resolution 600 --mode Color -x 210 -y 295 --page-width 210
--page-height 297 --start-count 1  2>/dev/null

returns "Error during device I/O" during or after scanning

# on Debian stable server sane-utils version 1.0.21-9

with /etc/xinetd.d/saned

# default: off
# description: The sane server accepts requests
# for network access to a local scanner via the
# network.
service sane-port
    port        = 6566
    socket_type = stream
    wait        = no
    user        = saned
    group       = saned
    groups      = yes
    server      = /usr/sbin/saned

Duplex color scanning used to work with this scanner, I don't remember
when... duplex lineart works without issues...

Could somebody do some duplex color netscanning tests with there systems?

Kind regards,

Jelle de Jong

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