[sane-devel] Fujitsu fi-4220C2

Julian H. Stacey jhs at berklix.com
Fri Jun 17 22:58:29 UTC 2011

> From:		"m. allan noah" <kitno455 at gmail.com> 
> Date:		Fri, 17 Jun 2011 12:08:50 -0400 
> Message-id:	<BANLkTi=uC0qNd7yh_fP7KXK9ECJFSbHUsw at mail.gmail.com> 

"m. allan noah" wrote:
> sane is a scanner driver suite for unix-like systems. Which system you
> have and your skill level will decide how you download it. sane is
> free.
> allan
> On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 11:57 AM, Colin Parker <colinparker at onetel.net> wrote:
> > I note that you list the above but how do I download the software and how much does it cost please?
> >
> > Alwyn.

I am one of many happy users on this list who can confirm sane is free,
it's no trick :-)
However if you want to pay Money I guess your a Microsoft user, & not used
to the free world yet.  so ...

I see no sane support on http://cygwin.com/packages/ 
	so looks like sane not ported to Micro$oft, 
	(not suprised, complex)
so bite the bullet, escape addiction to Microsoft & 
choose any of many free Unixes
Maybe just choose whatever Linux or BSD some local friend already
knows who can help you.

Whatever, they're all free, & will all run sane on top, free,
Download sane free from eg:

Here FYI is detail of support free, for sane on the OS I happen to use:
FreeBSD, a Unix like OS (similar to Linux), build wrappers at:
		sane-backends sane-epkowa sane-frontends xsane
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Julian Stacey, BSD Unix Linux C Sys Eng Consultants Munich http://berklix.com
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