[sane-devel] Support for CanoScan 9000F and others: 48 bit flatbed scan

llarevo at gmx.net llarevo at gmx.net
Fri Jun 29 17:22:04 UTC 2012


> Please test other scanners with pixma backend. Very propably they are
> not broken.

quick smoke tests of scanning a A4-paper in different resolutions and
color-depths on my 9000F worked.

In xsane one finds for greyscale and line art 75 dpi available. Scanning
with 75dpi-lineart as normal user gives the error message "operation
canceled", while it works as root.

I'm neither sure, if the scanner provides a 75 dpi mode at all, nor if
this is some kind of xsane-"error", nor if this has got to with other
settings on my machine. And it doesn't bother me, its just a remark. 

Thanks for the great work on the support of this scanner!

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