[sane-devel] Error installing HP Scanjet G2410

Ngure Mike nguremike at gmail.com
Sat Oct 27 12:51:48 UTC 2012

AM installing HP Scanjet G2410 Scanner
Am using Ubuntu 10.0.4 LTS
I have download 2400rv drivers, Updated the xsane drivers
I have updated genesys

Error message i get

root at server-desktop:~/Desktop/scanner/2400rv# sudo scanimage -l
[genesys] WARNING: Your scanner is not fully supported or at least
[genesys]          had only limited testing. Please be careful and
[genesys]          report any failure/success to
[genesys]          sane-devel at lists.alioth.debian.org. Please provide as
[genesys]          details as possible, e.g. the exact name of your
[genesys]          scanner and what does (not) work.
scanimage: option requires an argument -- 'l'

When i run from root I get the scanner installed

root at server-desktop:~/Desktop/scanner/2400rv# scanimage -L
device `genesys:libusb:005:003' is a Hewlett Packard ScanJet 2400c flatbed
root at server-desktop:~/Desktop/scanner/2400rv#

I have edited /etc/sane.d/dll.conf and added hp2400 without # below hp5400

When i run xsane I get error
failed to start scanner: Invalid argument

Please help
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