[sane-devel] scanbd with old udev version
wilhelm.meier at fh-kl.de
Wed Aug 21 10:50:12 UTC 2013
Am 21.08.2013 12:19, schrieb Sander Devrieze:
> 2013/8/21 Wilhelm <wilhelm.meier at fh-kl.de <mailto:wilhelm.meier at fh-kl.de>>
> <snip>
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd/dll.____conf
> what is the contents of this file?
> The directory /usr/local/sbin/scanbd does not exist. I think you mean
> /usr/local/etc/scanbd.
Sorry, yes.
So please show:
or whatever dir SANE_CONFIG_DIR points to.
Please see section: 6) sane config, form the README.txt.
> These are the items in that directory:
> abaton.conf bh.conf coolscan3.conf dll.d
> genesys.conf hp.conf ma1509.conf mustek_usb.conf
> plustek_pp.conf scanbd.conf st400.conf test.script
> action.script canon630u.conf coolscan.conf dmc.conf
> geniusvp2.conf hpsj5s.conf magicolor.conf nec.conf
> qcam.conf scanner.d stv680.conf u12.conf
> agfafocus.conf canon.conf dc210.conf
> epjitsu.conf gphoto2.conf hs2p.conf matsushita.conf
> net.conf ricoh.conf sceptre.conf tamarack.conf
> umax1220u.conf
> apple.conf canon_dr.conf dc240.conf epson2.conf
> gt68xx.conf ibm.conf microtek2.conf p5.conf
> rts8891.conf sharp.conf teco1.conf umax.conf
> artec.conf canon_pp.conf dc25.conf epson.conf
> hp3900.conf kodak.conf microtek.conf pie.conf
> s9036.conf sm3840.conf teco2.conf umax_pp.conf
> artec_eplus48u.conf cardscan.conf dell1600n_net.conf example.script
> hp4200.conf leo.conf mustek.conf pixma.conf
> saned.conf snapscan.conf teco3.conf v4l.conf
> avision.conf coolscan2.conf dll.conf fujitsu.conf
> hp5400.conf lexmark.conf mustek_pp.conf plustek.conf
> scanadf.script sp15c.conf test.conf xerox_mfp.conf
> Which one do you need to see? I already showed you dll.conf.
> Ok, that seems to help. Maybe the readme file should be more
> clear that
> you need to copy the config files and not the directory "sane.d" in
> here. scanbd seems to work. However, sane does not recognize the
> scanner:
> scanimage: no SANE devices found
> Any idea what can be wrong?
> /usr/local/etc/scanbd/scanbd.____conf
> This file does not exist. I only have /usr/local/etc/scanbd/scanbd.conf
> as shown in my previous mail:
> # global settings
> global {
> # turn on debugging
> # log to console
> debug = true
> # debug logging
> # 1=error, 2=warn, 3=info, 4-7=debug
> debug-level = 7
> # drop priviliges to this user
> #=============================
> # Linux:
> # user = saned # root
> # *BSD
> # user = root
> user = saned
> # Group to be used
> #=================
> # Linux (most distributions use the lp group to access
> scanners)
> # group = lp
> # ArchLinux (ArchLinux uses the scanner group)
> # group = scanner
> #
> # *BSD (no group lp here, use daemon instead)
> # group = daemon # root
> #
> group = saned
> # the saned executable for manager-mode
> saned = "/usr/sbin/saned"
> saned_opt = {} # string-list
> saned_env = {
> "SANE_CONFIG_DIR=/usr/local/__etc/scanbd" } # list
> of environment vars for saned
> # Scriptdir specifies where scanbs normally looks for
> scripts.
> # The scriptdir option can be defined as:
> # - a path relative to the configuations
> (<path>/etc/scanbd)
> directory
> # - an abosolute path
> # Examples:
> # scriptdir = scripts
> # sets scriptdir to <path>/etc/scripts.
> # scriptdir = /some/path
> # sets scriptdir to the specified absolute path
> # Default scriptdir is <path>/etc/scanbd, this is normally
> appropriate
> # scriptdir =
> # scanbuttond_backends_dir sets the path where scanbd
> looks for
> the scanbuttond backends
> # It can be defined as relative path, starting from
> the scanbd
> config directory or
> # as an absolute path
> # Default is <libdir>/scanbd/scanbutond/__backends
> # Example
> # scanbuttond_backends_dir =
> "/usr/local/lib/scanbd/__scanbuttond/backends"
> # poll timeout in [ms]
> # (for polling the devices)
> timeout = 500
> pidfile = "/var/run/scanbd.pid"
> # env-vars for the scripts
> environment {
> # pass the device label as below in this env-var
> device = "SCANBD_DEVICE"
> # pass the action label as below in this env-var
> action = "SCANBD_ACTION"
> }
> # function definitions
> # values of the options are simply passed via env-vars
> function function_knob {
> filter = "^message.*"
> desc = "The value of the function knob / wheel /
> selector"
> }
> function function_mode {
> filter = "^mode.*"
> desc = "Color mode"
> }
> multiple_actions = true # allow multiple actions per
> option (up
> to the total amount of options)
> # action definitions
> # if the filter matches and the value changes
> # from from-value to to-value,
> # <script> is executed
> # <script> is the full pathname (do not include any
> parameters)
> # if parameters are needed, write a script
> # since we can have only a most one action for each
> option, the
> action-script
> # can use the function definition (see above) to
> distinguish
> different tasks
> # (e.g. use the env-var SCANBD_FUNCTION defined above)
> action scan {
> filter = "^scan.*"
> numerical-trigger {
> from-value = 1
> to-value = 0
> }
> desc = "Scan to file"
> # script must be an relative path starting from
> scriptdir (see above),
> # or an absolute pathname.
> # It must contain the path to the action
> script without
> arguments
> # Absolute path example: script =
> "/some/path/foo.script
> script = "test.script"
> }
> action email {
> filter = "^email$"
> string-trigger {
> from-value = ""
> to-value = "^email.*"
> }
> desc = "Scan to email"
> # script must be an relative path starting from
> scriptdir (see above),
> # or an absolute pathname.
> # It must contain the path to the action
> script without
> arguments
> # Absolute path example: script =
> "/some/path/foo.script
> script = "test.script"
> }
> action copy {
> filter = "^copy$"
> string-trigger {
> from-value = ""
> to-value = "^copy.*"
> }
> desc = "Copy to printer"
> # script must be an relative path starting from
> scriptdir (see above),
> # or an absolute pathname.
> # It must contain the path to the action
> script without
> arguments
> # Absolute path example: script =
> "/some/path/foo.script
> script = "test.script"
> }
> action preview {
> filter = "^preview$"
> numerical-trigger {
> from-value = 1
> to-value = 0
> }
> desc = "Preview"
> # script must be an relative path starting from
> scriptdir (see above),
> # or an absolute pathname.
> # It must contain the path to the action
> script without
> arguments
> # Absolute path example: script =
> "/some/path/foo.script
> script = "test.script"
> }
> action globaltest {
> filter = "^message.*"
> desc = "Test (print all env vars)"
> # script must be an relative path starting from
> scriptdir (see above),
> # or an absolute pathname.
> # It must contain the path to the action
> script without
> arguments
> # Absolute path example: script =
> "/some/path/foo.script
> script = "test.script"
> }
> }
> # include
> # include another file at this point. This may only occur outside
> general and devices blocks
> # an include statement may be relative (to the direcory where
> scanbd.conf is located or aboslute
> # include("scanner.d/myscanner.__conf")
> # include("/my/long/path/__myscanner.conf")
> # devices
> # each device can have actions and functions, you can disable not
> relevant devices
> include(scanner.d/avision.__conf)
> include(scanner.d/fujitsu.__conf)
> include(scanner.d/hp.conf)
> include(scanner.d/pixma.conf)
> include(scanner.d/snapscan.__conf)
> include(scanner.d/canon.conf)
> and show the env-vars for the user starting the scanbd (root).
> TERM=xterm
> SHELL=/bin/bash
> OLDPWD=/root
> SSH_TTY=/dev/pts/0
> USER=root
> MAIL=/var/mail/root
> PATH=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/__local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/__sbin:/bin
> PWD=/usr/local/etc/scanbd
> LANG=en_US.UTF-8
> HOME=/root
> LOGNAME=root
> SANE_CONFIG_DIR=/usr/local/__etc/scanbd
> _=/usr/bin/env
> Thanks for helping me out!
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: foreground
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: config-file:
> /usr/local/etc/scanbd/scanbd.____conf
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: reading config file
> /usr/local/etc/scanbd/scanbd.____conf
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: debug on: level: 7
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: dropping privs to uid saned
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: dropping privs to gid saned
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: drop privileges to gid: 109
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Running as effective gid 109
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: drop privileges to uid: 104
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Running as effective uid 104
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: dbus_init
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: dbus match
> type='signal',interface='org.____freedesktop.Hal.Manager'
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: sane version 1.0
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Scanning for local-only devices
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: start_sane_threads
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: start dbus thread
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: timeout: 500 ms
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Iteration on dbus call
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: udev init
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: get udev monitor
> libudev: udev_monitor_enable_receiving: bind failed:
> Operation
> not permitted
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Can't enable udev receiving
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Can't init udev
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Iteration on dbus call
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Iteration on dbus call
> /usr/local/sbin/scanbd: Iteration on dbus call
> --
> Kind Regards,
> Sander Devrieze
> --
> Wilhelm
> w.meier at unix.net <mailto:w.meier at unix.net>
> <mailto:w.meier at unix.net <mailto:w.meier at unix.net>>
> --
> Wilhelm
> w.meier at unix.net <mailto:w.meier at unix.net>
w.meier at unix.net
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