[sane-devel] RVP - SANED Does Not Work - Cannot Share Scanner Over Network

Ronald Popowich ronaldvpopowich at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 19 06:46:59 UTC 2014

Have been attempting to share a scanner over my network for some time, since October 2013, with no success.
Scanner is functional locally, including ADF.
Require help to:1.  Clear the slate for both Server and all Clients.2.  Configure and test the Server.3.  Configure and test the Clients.
Server and Clients all running Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.
Have attempted, multiple times, including the trouble shooting section, the following tutorial:https://help.ubuntu.com/community/sane.d%20tutorial
Have attempted many other tutorials/suggestions/man page instructions and the like, to no avail.
Have rebuilt the Server once.
Will be pleased to supply all information necessary to address this frustrating issue.
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