[sane-devel] Using Accusoft front-end and sane-lib backend on NEXUS 7

christof michiels christof.michiels at gmail.com
Mon Jul 28 21:26:25 UTC 2014


I'm using:
- tablet NEXUS 7 (2012)
- LIDE 110 USB scanner (Canon)
- App USB Scanner (Accusoft company) - not supported anymore

When front-end app starts, it finds following device: genesys:libusb:002:002
- in the form "Scan settings", Brightness and Contrast are locked
- unable to calibrate: message "INvalid Action, Parameter, Or State".
- when I start scanning, then the driver does the job, but complete dark
grey image is taken.

After installing the App via Google play-store:
App file pkg.apk is installed in folder
/mnt/asec/com.accusoft.usbscanner-1, together with subfolder lib.
In that lib-folder, following drivers are installed:
- libAIMImage.so
- libpicd20.so
- libpicd20d.so
- libpicd5020.so
- libpicd6420.so
- libpicd8420.so
- libpicd8520.so
- libpicd8620.so
- libpicd8820.so
- libsane.so
- libsaneJNI.so
- libusb-a.so
- libusbscanner.so

A file res.zip is also available.

In the folder /sdcard/USBScanSpool, scanned images are saved. There is also
a file: preferences.xml, with content:
<?xml version='1' encoding='UTF-8' standalone='yes'?><file_list
count="1"><file index="0" rotation="0"/></file_list>

What could be wrong?

Thanks for reading this issue,

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