[sane-devel] [genesys] Canon LiDE 210: How to use scanner buttons
Thorsten Müller
thorsten at mueller-kleinheinz.de
Sun Mar 30 21:28:38 UTC 2014
Am Sonntag, 30. März 2014, 23:06:57 schrieb Thorsten Müller:
> Am Sonntag, 30. März 2014, 20:16:01 schrieb Dominik Kopp:
> >
> > Thanks. I'm also using KDE. gscan2pfd is just a nice scanning
> > application. Some month ago I tried to install and configure scandb
> > for my old scanner, but I didn't accomplish the mission.
> >
> > In most cases it would be totally fine for me to start the scanning
> > programm (skanlite, gscan2pdf, xsane,...), configure it (b/w or
> > colour, resolution, file name...) and then scan several pages by
> > using the scanner's button. I don't need the power of scandb.
> >
> > I'm just questioning whether xsane (or gscan2pdf, or skanlite) can
> > react on a pressed buttons or not.
> > To put it in a nutshell: Is it a problem before or behind the
> > keyboard?
> Xsane works - I just found out this week how to start it from my
> autopdf script. kstart does the trick. Appended the latest version of
> the autopdf script that starts Xsane if the AutoScan button on the
> CanoScan LiDE 210 scanner is pressed - given you have installed and
> configuered scanbd.
Excuse me, please, I did not read your latest post thouroughly enough.
Xsane cannot reaact on the front panel buttons because sane does not
read changes of the button state and Xsane merely is a frontend to sane
- and I would expect the other scan applilcations to be, too, though I
did not check. sane only communicates with your scanner if you instruct
it to do so, e.g. to scan a page - it does not open any kind of
permanent listener. That's what scanbd is made for. So to read the
scanner buttons and make your system react on button presses you need
scanbd or the older scanbuttond - but I suspect the latter does not
support newer genesys chipset based scanner models.
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