[sane-devel] MX925: Scan via Display to SANE??

Rolf Bensch rolf at bensch-online.de
Mon May 5 15:29:52 UTC 2014

For MX920 Series scanners you need to install SANE Development Version
1.0.25 from git.

Button support is working as described in sane-pixma manpage.

Due to a problem with the webserver,
http://www.sane-project.org/lists/sane-backends-cvs.html#S-PIXMA doesn't
represent the recent  git version. But the infos for MX920 are up to date.

I'll commit a patch for ADF paper empty issue within a short time.


Am 05.05.2014 10:33, schrieb Gernot Hassenpflug:
> On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 5:13 PM, Johannes Meixner <jsmeix at suse.de
> <mailto:jsmeix at suse.de>> wrote:
>     Hello,
>     On May 3 11:51 Louis Lagendijk wrote (excerpt):
>         On Fri, 2014-05-02 at 21:55 +0000, Thomas Escher wrote:
>             One question ? I own a Canon MX925. It's possible to scan
>             from the display directly to the Windows-Machines.
>             Is SANE the right software to scan from
>             the display directly to a debian-machine?
>     ...
>         Yes, Sane can be the base for button-based scanning,
>         but you will also need scanbd. Sane provides the interface
>         to the scanner, scanbd will handle the logic. Scanbd cab be
>         found here:
>         http://sourceforge.net/projects/scanbd/?source=directory
>     First things first:
>     A precondition is that SANE supports the device.
>     But according to
>     http://www.sane-project.org/cgi-bin/driver.pl?manu=canon&model=mx&bus=any&v=&p=
>     it seems no Canon MX925 is listed at SANE which indicates
>     that SANE does not support it.
> Short one:
> MX920 has been supported since December 2012 (see git Changelog),
> whether ADF is perfect or not I am not certain.
> MX925 is just a regional variation on the MX920 (proof would be to see
> if the USB ID is the same).
> Regards,
> Gernot Hassenpflug

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