[sane-devel] scanimage / tesseract interoperability

Jeff Breidenbach jeff at jab.org
Fri May 30 17:37:50 UTC 2014

Thank you for the review, Olaf. I've incorporated both of your suggestions.


On Thu, May 29, 2014 at 4:49 PM, Olaf Meeuwissen
<olaf.meeuwissen at avasys.jp> wrote:
> Jeff Breidenbach writes:
>> Are these two patches on track for inclusion?
>> What more can I do to help?
>> names-to-stdout-1.2.diff.gz
>> happy-batch-1.0.diff.gz
> I don't have commit privileges but both look mostly good to me.
> Re: names-to-stdout-1.2.diff.gz, you have
>   @@ -2283,19 +2291,27 @@ List of available devices:", prog_name);
>               {
>                 fprintf (stderr, "%s: sane_start: %s\n",
>                          prog_name, sane_strstatus (status));
>   -             fclose (stdout);
>   -             break;
>   +             if (ofp)
>   +               {
>   +                 fclose (ofp);
>   +                 ofp = NULL;
>   +                 break;
>   +               }
>               }
> but shouldn't that break statement stay out of the if-branch?  Looks to
> me like your code has the potential to change program flow.
> Re: happy-batch-1.0.diff.gz, why
>   n >= batch_start_at + batch_increment
> and not just
>   n > batch_start_at
> Hope this helps,
> --
> Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2           FLOSS Engineer -- AVASYS CORPORATION
> FSF Associate Member #1962               Help support software freedom
>                  http://www.fsf.org/jf?referrer=1962
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