[sane-devel] Testing a Canon imageFormula P-150M

m. allan noah kitno455 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 13:32:13 UTC 2016

The canon machines with the autostart switch have two different usb
ids. I know neither of those for the P-150 or P-150M, so neither of
them would be in the config file. This makes me wonder if something is
wrong with your chronology- I don't think scanimage -L could have
found the scanner before you changed to config file. If you can get
back to that state, where the scanner was trying to work, we can do
some debugging:

SANE_DEBUG_CANON_DR=35 scanimage > foo.pnm 2>p150.log

then send me p150.log directly. You may need to compress it.


On Sat, Aug 13, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Ben J <btpprograms at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi, I've got a P-150M and am trying to get it running at the moment. The
> scanner was detected by scanimage -L as a P-150. I'm running Arch Linux 64
> bit with no frontend for SANE.
> When I tried to trigger a scan, SANE was able to detect that the document
> feeder was empty and that the cover was closed. Once I resolved both of
> these issue, I just got an error stating "scanimage: sane_start: Invalid
> argument." This occurs while running "scanimage -d canon_dr: > test.tiff" as
> root.
> So far I've tried to fix this by adding my scanner to
> /etc/sane.d/canon_dr.conf (usb 0x1083 0x162c). I've also tried switching the
> Auto Start switch to on. This caused the error "scanimage: open of device
> canon_dr: failed: Invalid argument" instead.
> If anyone has any ideas let me know. I'm comfortable with config files and
> small code changes, but I doubt I could write a full backend for this
> scanner on my own.
> --
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