[sane-devel] Avision patch 1: allow HP 82xx/83xx scanners without ADFs to work

Dave Platt dplatt at radagast.org
Fri Nov 25 03:41:53 UTC 2016

Attached is a patch which should allow HP 82xx/83xx scanners with the
flat lightbox lid (that is, without an Automatic Document Feeder) to be
used with SANE.  These scanners can return a somewhat inconsistent set
of status information (a non-zero ADF model code, but with an "ADF not
present" status).  The Avision backend treats this situation as an
error;  it makes several attempts to reset the ADF, and then gives up
and reports "operation not supported".

This patch adds support for a new "option skip-adf" line in the
avision.conf file.  If this option is present, the backend will
skip the ADF retry loop, treat the ADF as not-present, and allow the
flatbed scan mode to be used.  If this option isn't used, this patch
has no effect.

I'd like to make this a "smarter" fix which wouldn't require a
scanner-specific option.  To do that (if it's possible) I'll need some
additional information about the ADF configurations out there in the
Avision world.  So, if you have an Avision scanner (particularly
an HP-branded one) I'd appreciate it if you could run the following

-  Run "SANE_DEBUG_AVISION=7 scanimage > /dev/null 2>scanner-log" to
   capture as much information as possible.

-  "grep get_accessories_info scanner-log"

You could do this either on a stock SANE install, or after installing
this patch - I don't think it'll matter.

Email me the lines from the grep, your scanner model number (including
the USB ID), and tell me whether you have a flat lid or an Automatic
Document Feeder on the scanner (the ADF model information from its label
would be useful).

The patch may be applied to a freshly-checked-out copy of the
sane-backends git tree via the usual method:  cd into sane-backends
and then "patch -p1 < avision-1.patch", configure, make, and install.

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