[sane-devel] Testing for Canon PIXMA MG5420

James Duvall jamestemp8873-sane at yahoo.com
Mon Apr 24 00:32:44 UTC 2017

Sorry for the slow response to your previous request.  I've been traveling a lot lately, but today I ran the button tests that your requested (text file attached).
One observation is that the Doc.type has three settings, but there are many sub-settings.  These seem to affect the button data reported by scanimage

Doc.type = Auto scan  No sub-settings

Doc.type = Document  Scan size = Auto scan, Letter, A4, 4"x6"(10x15cm), 5"x7"(13x18cm)  Format = PDF, Compact PDF, TIFF, JPEG  Scan res = 75 dpi, 150 dpi, 300 dpi, 600 dpi (this option is disabled for Format = Compact PDF)
Doc.type = Photo  Scan size = Auto scan, Auto multi scan, Letter, A4, 4"x6"(10x15cm), 5"x7"(13x18cm)  Format = TIFF, JPEG  Scan res = 75 dpi, 150 dpi, 300 dpi, 600 dpi
I performed some scans using both buttons and a variety of settings.  Given the large number of setting combinations that are possible, I wanted to be sure that the data I am collecting is in the proper format to be useful.  If so, let me know and I can collect data for more type/format/size/resolution combinations.
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