[sane-devel] Fix PPA build (was Re: sane-backends release 1.0.26 schedule)

Olaf Meeuwissen paddy-hack at member.fsf.org
Sat May 6 12:00:55 UTC 2017

Hi Rolf,

Rolf Bensch writes:

> Hi Olaf,
> I tried to build a recent version for zesty some weeks ago with my test
> ppa: https://launchpad.net/~rolfbensch/+archive/ubuntu/sane-test/+packages .

Thanks for the link!  Now I can see the build failures.
BTW, it looks like the build does not apply the debian/patches/.  Don't
know if that's intentional or not.

> I'll try to investigate this issue next week. If you can provide a patch
> before, I can merge it into the build system very quickly.

See the attached.
 - debian/rules: modified a few configure flags and added one for the
   API spec (BTW, 6ffeb909 fixed a brain fart for that option)
 - debian/control: add transfig as a build dependency for the spec (BTW,
   we do PDF now too but that requires pdflatex and gs as well)
 - debian/patches/multiarch_dll_searc_path.patch: adjust to upstream

Note that this only aims to fix the xenial build but the other builds
should be mostly identical if not exactly.

I've checked

  debian/rules binary
  dpkg-buildpackage -b

and both complete without a hitch, on xenial (in a Docker container).

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2            FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
 GnuPG key: F84A2DD9/B3C0 2F47 EA19 64F4 9F13  F43E B8A4 A88A F84A 2DD9
 Support Free Software                        https://my.fsf.org/donate
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Name: rolf-bensch-ppa-fixes.patch
Type: text/x-diff
Size: 2546 bytes
Desc: Fix PPA builds for xenial
URL: <http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/sane-devel/attachments/20170506/76cc3bdd/attachment.patch>

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