[sane-devel] USB problems with SANE on MacOS

Oliver Schwartz Oliver.Schwartz at gmx.de
Sun Apr 28 16:22:44 BST 2019


> I would like to try this patch, how can I do?

You can add the patch to the homebrew formula (see the attached file). To do this, either use
brew edit sane-backends
or replace the file directly (/usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/sane-backends.rb).

You need to install Xcode from the Apple app store to compile from source.

The compilation didn’t work for me out of the box because of a missing include file ‘jerror.h’. To fix this, I had to create another symlink:
cd /usr/local/include
ln -s ../Cellar/jpeg/9c/include/jerror.h

Then, run 
brew reinstall sane-backends -s

> Another thing: since the Mac recognize the USB Scanner already, would it be possible to utilize the default macOS library for handling usb devices? So configuring sane-backends with this instead of libusb. I’m just asking. I tried searching something, I found old Apple Developer articles about it – e.g. https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/DeviceDrivers/Conceptual/USBBook/USBIntro/USBIntro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40002643-TPXREF101

There is not much benefit to gain - the beauty of libusb is that it provides a common interface to usb related tasks on every platform. The different behaviour concerning configuration of custom devices is not a libusb problem, it is just different behaviour of the underlying operation system. So circumventing libusb wouldn’t fix anything.

Kind regards,


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