[sane-devel] Canon ImageClass D570

Thierry HUCAHRD thierry at ordissimo.com
Fri Dec 27 13:41:48 GMT 2019

Le 2019-12-27 13:08, Brandon Irizarry a écrit :
> (Apologies to Olaf - I mistakenly sent a personal reply, and not a
> forum post!)
> After struggling with this a bit, I came across this:
> https://github.com/kno10/python-scan-eSCL
> Thankfully (as Thierry pointed out), the Canon D750 quite
> providentially reiles on Apple's AirPrint.  Also, running something
> like 'avahi-browse --all' will indeed discover the scanner.
> When I run 'python scan.py "file.jpg" 500', the scanner is indeed
> detected, and everything looks like it's about to work - but I get
> this error:
> urllib2.URLError: <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED]
> certificate verify failed (_ssl.c:727)>
> Also, when I try to work around this by issuing
> and run the script again, I get
> 503
> Content-Length: 0
> Connection: close
> Service Unavailable
> Also, I tried installing 1.0.28, but I have no clue how to proceed
> from there so as to detect and use the scanner. I'm kinda learning all
> this little by little :)
> Any pointers along either path will be appreciated. Thank you.
> Regards,
If you use ubuntu, otherwise you'll have to build sane.
> - Brandon

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