[sane-devel] A query regarding Epson Perfection V39 Scanner

Olaf Meeuwissen paddy-hack at member.fsf.org
Mon Sep 23 06:22:57 BST 2019

Hi Yuri,

Thanks for helping out but I'd like to make a little correction :-)

Yuri Chornoivan writes:

> Hi,
> I'm an owner of Epson Perfection V330 Photo scanner (V37 analog, production of
> 2013). It worked then and works now on proprietary drivers from Epson:
> http://support.epson.net/linux/en/imagescanv3.php
> You can find the version that fits (the first link with version 3.59.2 is the
> driver, the second with version 2.30.4 is its frontend, ImageScan) here
> https://download.ebz.epson.net/dsc/search/01/search/searchModule
> Just enter "V39" into the search field.

Version 3.59.2 contains Image Scan v3 (imagescan, aka utsushi) which
provides GUI and CLI applications, a driver as well as a SANE backend.
It also contains the non-free plugin needed for the V39.

Version 2.30.4 contains Image Scan! for Linux (iscan), an earlier,
alternative scan solution.  It consists of a graphical SANE frontend, a
SANE backend and the non-free plugin for the V39.

Except for the non-free plugin, these are completely different.

In view of the other person's rather old distributions, I think 2.30.4
is to be preferred.  I *think* 3.59.2 is too new.

# Hmm, I just noticed that the files in 2.30.4 are dated 2019-08-21.
# That's a lot more recent than for 2.30.3 which had 2016-08-19.  Looks
# like iscan got updated for some reason ...

> It is enough to install the drovers to get the full scanner functionality.
> However, Epson proposes the driver packages for Ubuntu 16.04 and above only.

Hope this helps,
Olaf Meeuwissen, LPIC-2            FSF Associate Member since 2004-01-27
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