[sane-devel] User question: Canon CanoScan 3200F

Dario Klenke dario.klenke at mailbox.org
Fri Dec 31 13:29:25 GMT 2021

I am trying to setup sane to use a canon CanoScan 3200F and was directed to ask my question here from the IRC channel. I am using a rasberry pi zero running Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) lite. I compiled sane from source. Output of scanimage --version:
scanimage (sane-backends); backend version 1.0.32.
My scanner is recognized by lsusb and sane-find-scanner -v -v also shows the scanner but complains "Couldn't determine the type of the USB chip". Unfortunately scanimage -L cannot identify any scanners.
Following a post on the cent-os forums that had similar issues that were resolved by installing the yum package sane-backends-drivers-scanners for the user in question I tried to look into whether I have the required backend drivers. The sane documentation lists the scanner as unsupported but says in the comments: "Actually this scanner is supported by the experimental cs3200f backend now".
I could not find any files in the backends folder of my clone of the source code that contained the string cs3200f and I found an old bug report from the sane-backends ubuntu package that seems to confirm my fears about missing backends. It states: "However, the experimental CVS wasn't transferred over when they [the sane project] moved from CVS to git."
Attached to this post was an email exchange from 2013 where someone from the sane dev team supplied a backup of the experimental backend and suggested a patch to /backend/Makefile.am and /configure.in to allow its compilation.
Now this is where my attempts to resolve this myself kind of end. The structure of the Makefile in question seems to have changed too substantially since 2013 for someone with barely any C knowledge like me to apply the relevant changes.
So, my questions: Am I even on the right track? Am I missing the cs3200f backend with my "naked" sane install from source? If not is there any other way to run the canon CanoScan 3200f with sane?
Very happy about any and all feedback.
Thank you and Best regards,
Dario Klenke

this is the email exchange i mentioned earlier: https://alioth-lists.debian.net/pipermail/sane-devel/2013-March/031124.html
and this is the bug report from the ubuntu forums: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sane-backends/+bug/738302
various info output about my system if needed: https://gist.github.com/dklenke/b02e6349dcce2b5b6f4b9c9d13d0efc2
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