[sane-devel] Fwd: Sane no longer works

Steve Cohen stevecoh2 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 1 23:35:44 BST 2021

OK, Richard was able to provide a reasonable explanation for my questions,
but I still need to know what problem SANE thinks it's detecting,
especially since this setup used to work without issues. Something has
changed - but what?  Can someone explain how to debug or log whatever is
happening?  Failing that, is there a bug reporting system for SANE?

And by the way, I upgraded my system today from Ubuntu 20.04 to Ubuntu
21.04.  This neither helped nor hurt the situation. I also reverted back to
the Ubuntu version from the SANE version as the SANE version did not help
the situation.


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Richard Ryniker <ryniker at ryniker.org>
Date: Fri, Oct 1, 2021 at 7:59 AM
Subject: Re: [sane-devel] Sane no longer works
To: Steve Cohen <stevecoh2 at gmail.com>

>found USB scanner (vendor=0x138a, product=0x0017) at libusb:003:006

I suspect this may be a camera (built into a laptop, or connected to USB
if no built-in camera).

>why does the libusb:003:xxx for the real scanner keep incrementing by 1
>every time I run an app?

USB connection is reset, then USB enumeration occurs again, with a new
address assigned (because it is perceived as a new, similar device that
has been connected.)  An appropriate udev rule might be able to assign a
non-volatile location for the device, but the USB reset is the culprit
here.  Some software (possibly SANE) detects a problem, and tries a reset
to clear it; this causes a new address to be assigned.
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