[DSE-Dev] I've created secilc package, please sponsor

Laurent Bigonville bigon at debian.org
Sun May 11 17:50:06 UTC 2014

Le Sun, 11 May 2014 18:19:24 +0300,
Victor Porton <porton at narod.ru> a écrit :

> Hi Mika,
> 11.05.2014, 16:05, "Mika Pflüger" <debian at mikapflueger.de>:
> > Hi Victor,
> >
> > Victor Porton <porton at narod.ru> wrote:
> >
> >>  I've created CIL compiler for Debian:
> >>
> >>  http://mentors.debian.net/package/secilc
> >>
> >>  Please sponsor this my package.
> >
> > Thanks for your work on secilc, it would be great to have it
> > packaged for debian.

Indeed thanks for your work.

> >
> > From a quick inspection of the package (have not yet had time to
> > actually build it etc.) I see some problems which should be
> > corrected before the package can go into unstable:
> > * There is a massive patch in debian/patches/zz_debian-diff-auto,
> > which changes all kinds of stuff in the package, adding multiple
> > files including the whole src/cil_lexer.c , which normally is
> > generated by flex from src/cil_lexer.l during the build. You have
> > to clean that up and just let src/cil_lexer.c be generated during
> > the package build
> How to remove src/cil_lexer.c? Should I manually edit the patch file?

I guess you should ensure that the src/cil_lexer.c is removed when the
clean target is called and let the file being regenerated during the
build and the content of the file should indeed be removed from the

> >   (which should work just fine using the upstream Makefile). The
> > other scripts you are adding should probably either go upstream (if
> > they are generally useful), or be added in the debian/ directory,
> > if they are debian-specific.
> If they go to debian/ directory, then how to install them
> into /usr/sbin?

You could either add an "install" file and list them there, or override
the call to dh_install and copy them manually (see dh_install manpage)

Or maybe you could install them in the examples directory if these
scripts are not meant to be really used? I'm especially thinking about
the "file_contexts" file that really look like an example (see
dh_installexamples manpage).

> > * There are some lintian warnings you proabably should fix, see the
> >   page on mentors or the output of
> > $ lintian -IEv --pedantic secilc_0.0.1-1.dsc
> >   which containt some warnings about dh-make templates which were
> > left over, a wrong versioned debhelper build-depends and an old
> >   standards-version. Also, it would be cool if you could provide a
> >   watch file, which will enable debian infrastructure to
> > automatically check for new releases of cil.
> > * Where do you take the version number of 0.0.1 from?
> There was no version number in the upstream. So I coined a version
> number mysefl.

I guess you should use something like

Some more remarks:

You are actually hardcoding path for the i386 architecture in the
Makefile. Is this package only supposed to build on this arch?
Otherwise, I would suggest to use dpkg-architecture to get the
architectures you are building for (look at the other selinux
packages, like libsepol for some example).
The package currently FTBFS on amd64 because of that as it cannot find
libsepol.a in the expected path.

I'm also a bit puzzled about using -I option in LDFLAGS, -I is used to
add include path for the preprocessor if I'm not wrong, while LDFLAGS
is used for the linker flags. I would suggest you to completely drop
the -I in the LDFLAGS (maybe upstream meant -L?)

Are you planning to send your patches to upstream (the one to add the
DESTDIR variable), it is always nice to have the less patches possible
in the debian package.


Laurent Bigonville

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