[Showme-devel] Sponsoring the ShowMeBox

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Thu Nov 5 13:31:02 UTC 2015

Quoting Bernelle Verster (2015-11-05 09:04:11)
> On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Kristoffer Rose <krisrose at debian.org> wrote:
>> I have shared the "draft call for comments" mail with the Two Sigma 
>> tem, and we will have comments in some weeks (the datathon team is on 
>> college tour).
>> Again: Two Sigma's interest will be primarily to promote Data Science 
>> awareness and skills, and subsidiarily (but it will make a 
>> difference) to promote using the beaker notebook.
> Am I correct in saying that the current plan is to promote/use the 
> beaker notebook, and that this is what is currently being worked on? 
> What are the risks and barriers here? What is the likelihood of this 
> being the outcome, and what are the alternatives if this does not 
> happen?

Our current plan involves these components (shout if anyone disagrees):

  * Hardware: Olimex OLinuXino LIME2.
  * Software: Debian stable,
    contaminated by (least possible) Debian testing backports.
    * Bootloader: U-boot from Debian testing.
    * Kernel: Linux from Debian stable.
    * Desktop: Xfce
    * Browser: Iceweasel
    * Visualization tool: Beaker Notebook 1.3.4,
      officially packaged and included in Debian testing.
  * Languages: English by default,
    most possible South African languages enabled as login option.

Plan B for visualization tool is to use iPython Notebook which exist in 
Debian already.  For plan B to be viable, someone needs to write sample 
notebooks using that tool.

There is no plan C for visualization tool!

Consequently, if Beaker Notebook does not get succesfully packaged in 
time for us to use it, and we have no usable iPython Notebook - 
including sample notebooks - then I see no other sensible¹ option than 
for us to cancel the project.

 - Jonas

¹ I do not consider it a sensible option o deploy our box with a 
hand-installed Beaker Notebook, as that would not be a demo of Debian, 
only a demo of whatever POSIX system (broken: not safe to upgrade) 
underneath a specific tool.

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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