[Showme-devel] Sponsoring the ShowMeBox

Bernelle Verster bernellev at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 08:04:11 UTC 2015

Thanks Kris

On Thu, Nov 5, 2015 at 12:22 AM, Kristoffer Rose <krisrose at debian.org> wrote:
> Dear Jonas, Bernelle, Everyone,
> I agree with what has been said.
> I have shared the "draft call for comments" mail with the Two Sigma tem, and
> we will have comments in some weeks (the datathon team is on college tour).
> Again: Two Sigma's interest will be primarily to promote Data Science
> awareness and skills, and subsidiarily (but it will make a difference) to
> promote using the beaker notebook.

Am I correct in saying that the current plan is to promote/use the
beaker notebook, and that this is what is currently being worked on?
What are the risks and barriers here? What is the likelihood of this
being the outcome, and what are the alternatives if this does not

> Cheers,
>   Kris
> On Wed, Nov 4, 2015 at 11:46 AM, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:
>> Quoting Bernelle Verster (2015-11-04 16:23:19)
>> > On the other hand, in Kris's competition people weren't forced to use
>> > any particular box or software, but there was only support for Beaker.
>> A key strength of Beaker compared to other Notebook tools is, I believe,
>> its ability to run on both Windows, MacOS and Linux, and to integrate
>> with many software tools.  Therefore not surprising to me that their
>> competition was relaxed about those variables.
>> A key strength of Debian compared to other operating systems is its
>> ability to be deployed on many different hardware architectures -
>> including cheap ARM boxes...
>> Let's make this a demo of Debian's ability to run on cheap boxes.  But a
>> demo on _usability_ rather than _variety_ of that - so just one box that
>> we tested ahead, exposed to users interested in a software challenge
>> (not a variety of boxes less tested - that would require users
>> interested in hardware tinkering).
>> > Another thought I'm still grappling with is how to build collaboration
>> > and mentorship between student entrants and the wider Debian
>> > community.
>> Maybe try get others involved who are already experienced with this:
>> https://www.debian.org/women/mentoring
>> https://wiki.debian.org/SummerOfCode2015
>> > Then this raises more questions:
>> > * Will [any non-student] be able to buy the ShowMeBox for themselves?
>> Short answer: Yes!
>> ShowMeBox uses generally available hardware.
>> Debian generally decides which hardware architectures to support based
>> on a) availability of enthusiasts hacking on it and b) availability of
>> the hardware in shops.  As an example of that, the architecture we call
>> "i386" nowadays is a subset of IA32 _excluding_ i386 and we currently
>> discuss if it is time to also stop support i486 (or is it even i586?).
>> Specifically, Olimex OLinuXino A20 LIME2 is for sale worldwide from
>> Olimex themselves and also from multiple resellers.
>> > * and if so, could they subsidise the students' boxes? In other words,
>> > we make e.g. 200% 'profit' on their Box that we then use to buy Boxes
>> > for students?
>> I have no interest in that.  If others do then enjoy!
>> Beware that such activity might be too commercial in nature for Debian
>> or SPI, so you may need to find some for-profit legal body to operate
>> within.
>>  - Jonas
>> --
>>  * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
>>  * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/
>>  [x] quote me freely  [ ] ask before reusing  [ ] keep private
>> --
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