[Showme-devel] Fwd: Julia for ARM

Graham Inggs ginggs at debian.org
Sat Oct 17 09:44:14 UTC 2015

On 14 October 2015 at 15:02, Jonas Smedegaard <dr at jones.dk> wrote:
> Looks like only #799036 (against build-dependency openspecfun) is
> stalling.

This isn't a blocker, I have worked around the issue (and libopenlibm)
in Julia with:
Build-Depends: ... libopenlibm-dev [i386 amd64], libopenspecfun-dev
(>= 0.4~) [i386 amd64],

> If you've done it on an up-to-date pristine Debian Sid system, then it
> would be good that you file a bugreport against gcc about that!

No, that was done on the LIME with Armbian Debian Jessie (3.4.108 kernel).
But you have given me an idea to build julia on one of the armhf
porterboxes for both Jessie and Sid.
I will set up a showme/julia git where we can track that.

I have examinations for the next two weeks, but will get to the above
and try contacting #emdebian about openspecfun as you suggested.

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