[Showme-devel] DebConf16 style guide: ShowMeBox designs...

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Wed Oct 21 12:31:09 UTC 2015

Quoting Siri Reiter (2015-10-21 12:43:40)
> On 21-10-2015 09:26, Bernelle Verster wrote:
>> We would need a logo for the ShowMeBox in due course, would you be 
>> willing to design something?
> If you don't thing you have any creative input, I'd still like 
> comments on whether we want this to be strongly tied to/ part of 
> DebConf16 in it's essence, or something more in it's own right. Even 
> if it's said earlier, repeat it. We need the strong "why".

I envision the ShowMeBox as not specific to Debconf16 - and possibly not 
specific to Debconf in general either.  I don't even see ShowMeBox as 
specifically tied to data visualizations.  In fact, I deliberately 
called the Alioth project just "ShowMe" to be open about whether it is 
"boxes" that are "boxed"...

To me, a ShowMeBox is a runtime showcase of purely Debian.  To show to 
any "me" - be it a Debian developers at Debconf, Debian users in 
schools, parents of aspiring Debianites, and business leaders at venues.  
Makes sense to me to put a Debian swirl on any laptop running Debian or 
Ubuntu or Knoppix, as that signals "Debian inside".  I would love to 
have a logo signalling that there's a lid on the thing - i.e. no derived 
candy has been added on top - that it is "Debian-only inside".

Many years ago, some Debian developers made an Apple SE that ran Debian 
and continuously scrolled source code of Debian on the screen - to use 
at computer venues.  To mee that was the first ShowMeBox.

For the upcoming ShowMeBox event at Debconf16, I believe it is realistic 
to brand the boxes as both "Debian-only inside" and "OSHW certified", 
and it would be great to introduce a logo to go with the former.

Vague concrete suggestions are a) a Debian swirl with a square around, 
or b) a Debian swirl within a 3D cube wireframe.  Perhaps go as far as 
taking the 3d cube design from the FreedomBox logo, make it greyscale 
(to indicate that ShowMeBoxes comes in many flavors) and put a Debian 
swirl inside to indicate it is _Debian_ not a derivation.  I would then 
_not_ add an open lid with "visualizations" coming out of it - as that 
is both a) specific to _this_ particular ShowMeBox to do data 
visualizations, and b) might wrongly signal that the box contains 
(boring) Debian + (exciting) non-Debian data.

 - Jonas

 * Jonas Smedegaard - idealist & Internet-arkitekt
 * Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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